Monday, December 4, 2017

Two of Clubs

Given the changes that led her to believe there was no other choice, Ambriana settled into the long drive pressed the arrow on her c.d. player and lost herself in the familiarity of the music. The day was cool but not cold for early December, the squalls had calmed and by the looks of it the fog would lift before noon. The Dream was clear. Sort the past with an easy hand. Be fog. Apple pie is nice for breakfast. How accommodating can dreams be? Well, sometimes they are and sometimes they aren't. Ambriana had asked for some direction, a little help with deciding where to spend the winter. She was hoping for a visit from one of the old ones, the Cousins who were always full of good advice. At twenty-one Ambriana Chu was still far from being a seasoned witch though she was patient and good-natured about the long period of training. She was also very good at hope. Easy hand, fog and apple pie for breakfast made sense to her.

"We're heading south Corn, two days and an overnight stop in Lacey to visit the girls." Nestled into his traveling carrier, the sleek old companion blinked to clear his eyes. The cataracts were a nuisance but there was nothing wrong with his hearing. I like the girls, not so much the dog. I approve. Carry on Bri we are onto it. Ambriana stretched her fingers through the top of the carrier, scratched between Corn's ears happy to know there were two of them. It was always better to have company when you're on an adventure.

Link here for the next bit.

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