Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Four of Spades

Corn relaxed as the old cat felt Ambriana loosening her grip on the wheel. Thanks Bri, this feels a lot better. He was getting sleepy and the thought of crispy bacon sent him into a series of short stories and dreams. You might want to let him know you're coming, he's not real good with surprises. 

"Stop telling me how to live my life." A cat with facility for magic and a deep affection for witches was hard pressed to keep from interfering. This girl was clever and her dimples concealed her power to ferret solutions. But, she was disaster when it came to love affairs. Uranus conjunct Venus, revolution and love hard gig to manage especially when you're young. Corn wanted this to work out, he liked Baker. Liked that the man lacked sleaze and had a lovely deep baritone signature. Just saying, Bri. Just saying. 

Ambriana Chu was having too much fun testing the stretch in her attraction for Baker Lang. He was way too old for her; old enough to be her father. Forty-two. Baker Lang was six foot three inches tall, with wavy salt and pepper black hair, hazel eyes that mostly looked green on a sunny day, and on cool days he dressed in layers -- long underwear close to his skin, the flannel lined Raven vest over that, a tee shirt next and fleece hoodie wrapped with his burlap-looking scarf. The man was lean and strong from decades of work. Managing a new and used music store, and co-owning it with his ex made life a whole lot of interesting. If there was something Uranus loved, it was interesting.

Pushing on the arrow to skip over the scratches, the young woman slid into her own zone of dreams and listened to the music of Rachel Portman. Vianne painting her shop that shade of blue somewhere this side of turquoise ... the color of chocolate, texture fluid over heat ... the power of magic in sound. The combination was Ambriana's favorite expression of magic. She reached into her vest pocket and pulled a card. Four of Spades. Pair of pairs. That's what I'm talking about.

"You're supposed to be asleep."

Who said I'm not.


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Laying down the cards

The new year brought on the dogs; not a favorite cycle for most cats. Corn loved the Year of the Dog. "Are you back now?" Corn ...